Kanan Dhru is the Justice Innovation Advisor at HiiL. She works on developing insights on justice innovation, which empowers innovators and strengthens the justice innovation ecosystem. Being a serial justice innovator herself (Founder of LawForMe, Lawtoons and Research Foundation for Governance in India), Kanan won HiiL´s Innovating Justice Challenge in 2014. Kanan has a Master’s in Public Administration from IGNOU and a law degree from the London School of Economics, UK. She has been a practising lawyer in India, an accredited mediator and a columnist with The Huffington Post. Kanan has worked with the National Knowledge Commission (Prime Minister´s Advisory) in India and has been an External Consultant with McKinsey & Company. An Acumen India Fellow, Fulbright Scholar (which she did not take up), Kanan has been named as ´One of 37 Indians to Watch´ by India Today in 2012. She has been a part of the Global Agenda Council at the World Economic Forum as well as the India Lead of the Legal Hackers community.
Kanan Dhru will speak at the World Justice Forum's Scaling Game-changers for People-Centered Justice