Kamel Ayadi serves since October 2016 as Minister to the Head of the State of Tunisia in charge of the high level Authority on Financial and Administrative Control. He has occupied previously a number of high level positions, including Minister of Public Service, Governance and Anti-corruption, Secretary of State, senator and chairman of the regulatory authority of telecommunication.
He is an International consultant and civil society activist in Anti-Corruption, ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, social accountability. After having served in leadership positions in numerous NGOs, including President of the Tunisian Order of Engineers, he was elected in October 2003 as the president of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations(WFEO, 100 member countries).He served also for six years as the founding Chairman of its standing Committee on Anti-corruption.
He is the Founding Chairman of the World Leadership and Ethics Institute, and founding chair of the Tunisian Centre for Strategic Thinking on Economic Development. He is also the founding chairman of the Global Infrastructure Anti-corruption Centre’s for the MENA region
Other memberships include :regional contact for Globethics, Strategy Council of the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT Development; United Nations Task Force for Science and Innovation; World Innovation Forum; Pan American Academy of Engineering; American Society of Civil Engineers, Brookings Science and Technology Panel for the Arab Report on Science and Technology, Co-Chair of the UNESCO Task Force co-ordinating publication of the Engineering Report, United Nations Civil Society Bureau for the World Summit on the Information Society. He has written more than 100 papers and lectured in more than 100 congresses in 70 countries.