Janet Aguirre is a specialist in the public policy cycle, management for results, and transversal approaches for sustainable development. She has a bachelor’s degree in International Studies from the Universidad de Guadalajara and master’s in International Cooperation for Development, from the Universidad de Cantabria, Spain. She has worked as a consultant for the United Nations and has been a promoter of the 2030 Agenda, preparing the Guide for the Incorporation of the Agenda 2030 in the Public Plans and Programs of Mexico (2018) for UNDP. She has collaborated with several institutions at the national, state, and municipal level in the elaboration of their sectoral, special, and state development plans. She worked as a Deputy Director General of Planning and Evaluation of the Mexican Agency of International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and Coordinator of Promotion and Supervision of Social Programs of the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL, Jalisco).