Dr. Els De Busser is Assistant Professor Cybersecurity Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University. She is the Principal Investigator of the Cyber Security by Integrated Design (C-SIDe) project funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Els is also a researcher in the The Hague Program for International Cyber Security and conducts research on digital justice, cyber security, data protection, and European and international cooperation and information exchange in criminal matters, especially in the transatlantic relationship. Els teaches in the BA Safety and Security Studies, the MA Crisis and Security Management, and the Executive Master Cyber Security. Her courses cover a broad range of topics, including digital justice, law and security, the rule of law, data protection and privacy, legal aspects of cybersecurity, and European criminal law. She is a member of the Standing Committee of Experts on International Immigration, Refugee, and Criminal Law (Meijers Committee).