Having spent 20 years experiencing how the justice system nearly always closes out the poor, vulnerable and marginalized, on the one hand; and fighting to ensure that it doesn’t on the other; Christine, whose background is human rights and access to justice, co-founded Praxis Conflict Centre to provide alternative (to the formal justice system) dispute resolution solutions to those for whom the formal justice system is alien in many ways. Most of these are women, children, and, increasingly, youth, at the grass roots in the communities. Dealing with corruption daily in the administration of justice system, Christine briefly handled the Deputy Director, Criminal Sanctions and Asset Recovery portfolio under a DFID/EU funded Programme (SUGAR TAF Uganda), a Technical Facility working with the Anti-Corruption agencies including the Inspectorate of Government, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Financial Intelligence Authority and the Judiciary, among others, to strengthen Uganda’s Anti-Corruption Response. She established Justice Centres Uganda, the first ever Government of Uganda Legal Aid Programme, under the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) that has legal aid Centres around the Country, where lawyers reach out to communities to provide legal services and conflict resolution alternatives for those too vulnerable to navigate the administration of the Justice system or afford the services of a paid lawyer. She is a former Deputy Director, International Justice Mission where she provided legal redress for widows and orphans whose property was being grabbed. She is a former Director Complaints, Investigations and Legal Services at the Uganda Human Rights Commission where among others she championed and provided remedies for those whose rights had been violated. She is an advocate of the High Court of Uganda, a skilled and compassionate Lawyer, Trainer and Mediator. Christine’s calling is to support the poor, vulnerable and marginalized in accessing justice effectively.
Christine Birabwa-Nsubuga will speak at the World Justice Forum's Plenary - People-Centered Justice: How to Make it Happen Systematically?