Ulysses Smith is a leading US attorney and thought leader on issues of governance, rule of law, development, and anti-corruption. He is the President & CEO of Telos Governance Advisers, and directs the Business and Rule of Law Programme at the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law. He is Counsel at the law firm Hoffman Kessler LLP, and serves as Special Advisor to the UN Global Compact on Governance and Anti-Corruption. Ulysses speaks and writes frequently on issues of governance, Rule of Law, and business, and his commentary can be found in The Hill, The Washington Times, VentureBeat, Directorship and Huffington Post, among others. In 2016, Ulysses was recognized by the UN Global Compact as one of ten Global SDG Pioneers for his work to advance peace, justice, governance, and the rule of law.
Ulysses Smith will participate in the World Justice Forum working session What Can Business Do to Advance Access to Justice and the Rule of Law?