Adherence to the Rule of LawWeakerStronger0.000.250.500.751.00
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Overall Index Score
Explore by Issue/Factor
1 | Constraints on Government Powers
2 | Absence of Corruption
3 | Open Government
4 | Fundamental Rights
5 | Order and Security
6 | Regulatory Enforcement
7 | Civil Justice
8 | Criminal Justice
Open Government
Factor 3
Open Government

Factor 3 of the WJP Rule of Law Index measures the openness of government defined by the extent to which a government shares information, empowers people with tools to hold the government accountable, and fosters citizen participation in public policy deliberations. This factor measures whether basic laws and information on legal rights are publicized and evaluates the quality of information published by the government.

3.1. Publicized laws and government data

Measures whether basic laws and information on legal rights are publicly available, presented in plain language, and made accessible in all languages. It also measures the quality and accessibility of information published by the government in print or online, and whether administrative regulations, drafts of legislation, and high court decisions are made accessible to the public in a timely manner.

3.2 Right to information

Measures whether requests for information held by a government agency are granted, whether these requests are granted within a reasonable time period, if the information provided is pertinent and complete, and if requests for information are granted at a reasonable cost and without having to pay a bribe. It also measures whether people are aware of their right to information, and whether relevant records are accessible to the public upon request.

3.3 Civic participation

Measures the effectiveness of civic participation mechanisms, including the protection of the freedoms of opinion and expression, assembly and association, and the right to petition the government. It also measures whether people can voice concerns to various government officers, and whether government officials provide sufficient information and notice about decisions affecting the community.

3.4 Complaint mechanisms

Measures whether people are able to bring specific complaints to the government about the provision of public services or the performance of government officers in carrying out their legal duties in practice, and how government officials respond to such complaints.

Fundamental Rights