How can a strong rule of law protect the current trend of poverty alleviation in developing countries? This panel investigates how civil society, government sectors, and private actors can work in concert to empower vulnerable and poor citizens through a robust rule of law. Bringing together the development sector and the private sector, panelists will focus on modern methods of legal empowerment such as government programs that ensure that the most vulnerable are aware of their constitutional rights; safeguards and regulations that ensure access to justice; the right to counsel; and access to formal business and financial mechanisms. The discussion will highlight innovative solutions to closing the gap that still exists between passing a law in the halls of parliament and the reality of that law for someone living in a rural village.


  • Zaza Namoradze, Director, Budapest Office, Open Society Justice Initative (Hungary)


  • Yasmin Batliwala, CEO, Advocates for International Development (United Kingdom)
  • Stephen Golub, Lecturer, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
  • Simeon M.K. Koroma, Founding Director, Timap for Justice (Sierra Leone)
  • Vivek Maru, Founder and Director, Namati (India)
  • Faustina Pereira, Director, Human Rights & Legal Aid Services, BRAC (Bangladesh)

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